Speaker Frequently
Asked Questions

Why do I have to have my “Speaker Registration Form” filled out by December 13th?
MEC opens registration on January 1st to the previous attendees. Typically the attendees won’t sign up until they know who is speaking and what are they speaking on.
In addition, MEC starts to market the conference through several different marketing strategies including several different publications whose timelines must be met for publishing.
Why do you need my bio and picture?
MEC places your picture and bio on the website www.MissouriEmploymentConference.com to allow the attendees to read about you prior to the conference. We also use these for the program.
Do you compensate your speakers?
MEC does not compensate its speakers, nor do we reimburse them for travel. The intent of the conference is to offer a continuing education experience at a reasonable cost to the attendees. In return, the MEC is an excellent opportunity to be in front of hundreds of decision makers in Missouri.
When and where have you scheduled me to speak?
The schedule/room assignments will be available approximately 2-3 weeks prior to the conference. A pre-event survey is sent to those who have already registered for the conference asking to select which sessions they plan to attend. We compile the results and create our schedule/room assignments based on attendees’ responses. Once the final schedule/room assignments are approved, we will email you a copy. If you made scheduling arrangements with me prior to this, disregard this note.
How long is my session?
Session are 60 minutes, 50 minutes of presentation and 10 minutes for questions. We ask that you please plan accordingly and speak the entire hour. We have already submitted your presentation to the appropriate accreditation forums. To ensure our attendees get their full credits, needed for your session, you must fill the entire time slot accordingly.
When is my PowerPoint presentation due?
We ask that you please have your presentation finalized and submitted no later than April 1, 2025.
Why is my PowerPoint presentation due a month prior to the conference?
MEC must apply for the CEU’s at least a month prior to the event.
Do you have recommendations for my PowerPoint presentation?
We usually find that any font size less than 24 point is too small to be reasonably read in most presentation situations. The preferred text size is 28 or 32-point size, with titles being 36 to 44-point.
Do I need to bring my presentation on a flash drive?
Yes. It’s always a good idea to bring a back-up copy. If you submitted it as a .PPT, we will have it pre-loaded on the laptop in your assigned room
Can I bring my own laptop?
Yes. However, laptops will be provided in each breakout room. If you provided your presentation in .PPT format to MEC previously, it will be preloaded on the laptop in your assigned room. If you’ve made changes to your presentation, please arrive at least 30 minutes prior to your session with a copy of the updated materials on a flash drive or on your own computer. We want to allow ample time to set up your presentation before your session starts.
If you plan on playing video during your session, we recommend you bring your own laptop with the video embedded in your presentation. Again, please arrive at least 30 minutes prior to your session to allow ample time to set your computer up.
What if my presentation has video in it? What is required for it to play?
Download the video and store it to your laptop. Then embed it into your PP presentation. Don’t plan on using the internet at Old Kinderhook as it’s open and may fail or not stream well.
Do I need to bring my own copies of handouts?
If you plan on handing out anything to your attendees in your session, you are responsible for bringing the copies. MEC will not print out or bring copies for speakers. MEC will have your presentation and anything else you would like your attendees to have loaded on the MEC website that is password protected for the attendees.
Will my session get CE credits?
Your session must be 1 hour long to qualify for CE credits. Depending on your summary and 3 learning objectives your session may qualify. Please note: If your session does not quality, we will work with you to get your session approved as all sessions must qualify or we will have to find a replacement.
What can I expect about the room where I will be presenting?
Each session room will be equipped with a podium, microphone, computer, projector and screen.
Can I get a lavalier mic?
If you requested a lavalier mic we will do everything we can to have one ready for you in your session. Please note that Old Kinderhook only has so many so we can’t guarantee your request, but we will try.
Can I get a flip chart?
Old Kinderhook will have limited number of easels, flip charts and markers on hand. If you need one please contact Sue Kmet to make arrangements.
Will I have access the Internet?
Our contract with Old Kinderhook includes free internet however it is not a secure link.
What if I need technical assistance on the day of the conference?
Volunteers and staff from Old Kinderhook will be on hand to assist throughout the day. If you need help prior to your session, contact Nan Boland or Sue Kmet.
How far in advance do I need to be at Old Kinderhook before I speak?
We ask that you check in at the registration booth at least 20 minutes prior to your speaking session. However, if you made changes to your presentation and you bring a flash drive/computer with you that you plan to use, please be at Old Kinderhook at least a half hour early and ask for Nan Boland or Sue Kmet.
Will I get a copy of the attendee evaluations?
MEC does a Survey Monkey following the conference. Attendees are given approximately 2 weeks to complete the
evaluation. Once MEC compiles the results, speakers will be emailed a copy of their session results.
Any additional questions please contact:
Nan Boland
Sue Kmet