Speaker Guide: Employment Conference
On behalf of the 2025 Missouri Employment Conference, thank you for agreeing to speak at the 2024 Conference. Please review the information below. If you have additional questions not addressed on this page, please contact Nan Boland at nan@missouriemploymentconference.com.
Important Due Dates
- Bio / Photo December 21, 2024
- Presentation Description w/ 3 learning points December 21, 2024
- Presentation April 1, 2025
- Please submit all materials to Sue Kmet at Sue@MissouriEmploymentConference.com.
Conference Registration
- As a speaker you are welcome to attend any or all sessions.
- Please check in at the registration table 30 minutes prior to your schedule time. You will receive a name badge and directions on where your session will be located.
Speaker Bio / Photo
- Please submit your bio in Microsoft Word format, between 100-200 words.
- Please submit the best quality portrait available. Preferred image requirements are: 300 dpi, minimum size 1″x 1.5 ̋, JPEG format. Please note: Photos taken from your website or with a screen capture tool (i.e. Greenshot) are generally not usable or will result in poor print quality.
Speaker Presentations (PLEASE THOROUGHLY READ)
- Speakers must provide a presentation title and description including 3-4 bullet points of what attendees will learn. (Up to 100 words.) The 3-4 bullet points are required as they are used to submit for continuing education credits.
- Presentations must be 60 minutes in length. (50 minutes for the presentation, 10 minutes for Q&A) in order for the attendees to received continuing education credits.
- Speakers must provide their presentation to MEC electronically as a .ppt or .pptx file and agree to posting as PDF handouts to the secure and password protected, MEC website. We will post all handouts online (password protected) in advance of the conference for attendees to download and print. Please name your file with the presenter’s last name and first initial (e.g., Doe J.) and your session name.
- If your presentation will include a video, download the video and store it to your laptop. Then embed it into your PowerPoint presentation. Don’t plan on using the internet at Old Kinderhook, it’s open and will likely fail or not stream well.
- Be sure to bring an electronic backup of all handouts, materials, and PowerPoint presentations on a flash drive to the conference.
- REMINDER: Speakers shall NOT present a session that is designed to sell or promote their business or product.
Audiovisual Information
- A computer, projector, screen, lectern and microphone are provided in each room.
- If you require additional audiovisual equipment, please indicate it on your Speaker Registration Form.
- There will be audiovisual assistance throughout the conference.
Hotel/Travel Information
- You are responsible for your own hotel reservations and travel expenses. Old Kinderhook Resort, Golf Club and Spa: 573-260-1247. Group Number for Discount: 042925MOEC – CLICK HERE